Knit-a-Longs (KALs) are great for digging into the stash, except…well, when they’re not. I’ve been participating in Desert Vista Dyeworks’ Officially Unofficial Monthly Sock Club . Each month, participants post a picture of their yarn accompanied by a completed pair of adult-sized socks. The KAL began in January, but it wasn’t until late February when I had my first DVD skein in hand. Given my exceedingly large supply of fingerweight yarn, it’s only logical to assume that I would have one, or two, or ten skeins of DVD, but I confess, I did not. Since the KAL is structured into four quarters, I decided to wait until April to dive in. So far, I’ve knitted Halley’s Comet, the Entertainer, and Monopoly. Halley's Comet The Entertainer Monopoly This month, I’m quite enchanted with Harold’s Purple Crayon, and I’m surprised at how fast these socks are working up. But the irony of expanding my sta...