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2017 Knitting Goals

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I’m a creature of habit.  I eat the same thing for breakfast, the same thing for lunch.  I drive the same way to work.  I exercise the same time every day.  Trying new things does not come easily to me.  My FO project page confirms it: socks, socks, and more socks.  Despite it being April, I’ve created a knitting bucket list with the hope of pushing myself outside my comfort zone.

Image result for goals
  • Knit my kits
  • Knit a toy
  • Complete a sweater
  • Knit something for the house – blanket
  • Knit something lace weight
  • Knit holiday ornaments
  • Use a gradient cake
  • Knit a set of mittens and a pair fingerless mitts
  • Cast on and off my longest queued Ravelry project
  • Use a mini skeins set

So in that vain, I will be casting on a Velveteen Rabbit using this DK striping yarn!  Bon tricot!



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