It’s been a rough week in the Crud Household. We went through a bout of hand foot mouth disease last week. And like all the illnesses I haven’t had since I was twelve (I’m looking at you strep throat and pink eye), this knitter didn’t stand a chance. My body abhors being sick, but not for the reasons you might think…the headaches, the fevers, the chills. Trust me - I’m not a masochist for viruses commonly associated with infants and children. The reason I hate being sick is because I’m incapable of doing it well. Most people take two or three aspirins, pull the covers up over their heads, and wait – wait for relief, wait to feel better…they lie and wait. But my body? It rejects these verbs. It cannot process their meaning. Lie down? Wait? And adding a conjunction between the two does nothing for clarity. The phrase is not only incomprehensible, but it borders on the irrational. Simply put, I CAN NOT...