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Showing posts from May, 2014

Trying to Find Purls in a Pile of Knit

It’s been a rough week in the Crud Household.  We went through a bout of hand foot mouth disease last week.  And like all the illnesses I haven’t had since I was twelve (I’m looking at you strep throat and pink eye), this knitter didn’t stand a chance.  My body abhors being sick, but not for the reasons you might think…the headaches, the fevers, the chills.  Trust me - I’m not a masochist for viruses commonly associated with infants and children.  The reason I hate being sick is because I’m incapable of doing it well.  Most people take two or three aspirins, pull the covers up over their heads, and wait – wait for relief, wait to feel better…they lie and wait.  But my body?  It rejects these verbs.  It cannot process their meaning.  Lie down?  Wait?  And adding a conjunction between the two does nothing for clarity.  The phrase is not only incomprehensible, but it borders on the irrational.  Simply put, I CAN NOT...

A Princely Pair: Knitting Opal’s Little Prince Socks

Happy Belated Mother’s Day!  This year, we decided to go home for the holiday.  My husband and I are from the same town (we lived seven streets apart from each other growing up) so deciding where and with whom to celebrate has never been an issue in our family.  We’re very lucky that our kids get to spend equal time with both our parents who are only a few hours drive by car.  Since I knew we would be traveling, I decided to cast on for another vanilla sock.  Straight stockinette is easy to knit while on the go, and although I used to enjoy reading in the car back in my younger days, I now find with age it makes me sick, so following a pattern was out. of. the. question. for our four-hour drive.   Besides, I’ve been eager to get my needles into Opal’s Little Prince jacquard sock yarn, and a vanilla sock seemed like the sweetest treat.  The color I picked is #7763 and it reminds me so much of the dog-eared Le Petit Prince paperback that ...

There’s Nothing Plain About Vanilla – Another Set of Stockinette Stitch Socks

It’s been a few weeks since my last post, but I’m proud to say I’ve survived a stint with strep throat, my son’s first birthday party (with 24 of his kindergarten classmates), and Easter, complete with a visit from the Bunny, an egg hunt in the backyard, and a trip to see Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey’s circus.  It’s been a whirlwind, to say the least.  But in that time, I’ve been sneaking in some knitting when I can.  To feel creative and productive (which don’t always co-exist happily), I find it best to have a pair of plain vanilla, stockinette stitch socks on my needles at all times.  I can trot them out of my project bag and knit a few rounds while waiting for folks to shop our yard sale, like I did this past weekend, or while I watch the kids play outside in the front yard.  The first time I saw the Regia Jacquard sock yarn was on Susan B. Anderson’s blog.  I was saddened to learn it’s since been discontinued.  But during my Goog...