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Trying to Find Purls in a Pile of Knit

It’s been a rough week in the Crud Household.  We went through a bout of hand foot mouth disease last week.  And like all the illnesses I haven’t had since I was twelve (I’m looking at you strep throat and pink eye), this knitter didn’t stand a chance.  My body abhors being sick, but not for the reasons you might think…the headaches, the fevers, the chills.  Trust me - I’m not a masochist for viruses commonly associated with infants and children. 

The reason I hate being sick is because I’m incapable of doing it well.  Most people take two or three aspirins, pull the covers up over their heads, and wait – wait for relief, wait to feel better…they lie and wait.  But my body?  It rejects these verbs.  It cannot process their meaning.  Lie down?  Wait?  And adding a conjunction between the two does nothing for clarity.  The phrase is not only incomprehensible, but it borders on the irrational.  Simply put, I CAN NOT sit around, lie down, kick back without doing one or more things at the same time. 

If my rear is idle, then my hands are not.  They turn the pages of a book.  They tap out words on a keyboard.  They weave needles in and out of yarn.  I enjoy creating and producing.  I make no apologies for being an outcome-driven person.  And perhaps that’s why this week’s post is a bit (okay, a lot) lackluster.  And while it feels like I’m mired in some knit right now, I’ve unearthed a few purls from the previous week.  
  • I discovered Stephanie Pearl-McPhee’s hilarious memoirs and read her first tome, Yarn Harlot, cover-to-cover.
  • I cast on…for another sock.  I know, I know.  But I wanted to try one of Charlene Schurch’s patterns on a skein of Misti Alpaca sock yarn that I purchased solely because of its name – Eiffel Tower.  And before you ask, I also purchased Louvre and French Wine.  It’s a good thing I happen to like the colors, but I will confess, my love of things French, which apparently includes yarn named after French landmarks, is the sole reason for why I purchased this yarn last year.
  • And having been sick in bed, I took some time to cull through my non-sock project queue.  I’ve pulled a skein or two from the stash and will see if I’m still excited about how they pair up with their intended patterns.  I find that’s the key to converting WIPs into FOs.  In the past, I’ve been smitten with a certain yarn only to have those feelings peter out more than three skeins in.   Anyway, I’m testing my attention span for non-sock projects, and I hope to report my progress next week. 

Until then, bon tricot!


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