February began with such promise. I cast on my Isle of Skye socks. Week one: first sock complete. Then a nasty case of second sock syndrome struck. I couldn’t get past the cuff. I’m not sure how, but I managed to finish the second sock this weekend. But with ten more pairs to knit, I question my resolve to complete the KAL. Canon Hand Dyes, Charles, Isle of Skye To stave off SSS, my March socks will not have stripes, nor will they be stockinette. I’m scouring my stash for a speckled skein or a sturdy semi-solid. I’m also casting on a non-sock project. Before the holidays, I signed up for Indie Untangled’s Where We Knit yarn club. The first shipment, Drops of Honey, arrived in my mail box. It. Is. Stunning! I’ve not knit many shawls, but the golden honey hue is versatile, and the pattern seems to satisfy my “set and forget” knitting style. Concentration need not apply. ...